Course curriculum

    1. Difference between On-premises and Cloud Technology

    2. Why Google Cloud ?

    3. Why do we need Regions and Zones

    4. Understanding Regions & Zones in GCP

    5. GCP Network Infrastructure - Basic Understanding

    1. Overview - Identity and Access Management

    2. Organization and Resource Hierarchy

    3. Roles

    4. Role 1 - Basic Role

    5. Role 2 - Pre-defined

    6. Role 3 - Custom Role

    7. Principal

    8. Service Account

    9. Complete demonstration about Identity and Access Management

    1. Free Tier Account creation to practice GCP

    1. Creating one or more Billing accounts and Link projects

    2. Setup Billing Budgets and configuring alerts

    1. Overview

    2. Basics of VM

    3. Creating a VM web application to understand Virtual Network and VPC

    4. Overview - Virtual Private Cloud

    5. Networks and Sub-networks in Google cloud

    6. Understanding IP Address

    7. Complete Demonstration of Virtual Networks and VPC

    8. Firewall Rules

    9. Creating Firewall rules and policies

    1. Overview

    2. Machine Families

    3. Image options

    4. Disk options

    5. Special Compute Options

    6. Creating VM instance and deploying Apache web server

    7. Exploring Startup scripts in VM instance

    8. Creating multiple VM's with Instance template

About this course

  • $699.00
  • 63 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

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